Wow. Contradicting what Fish said in her meta post, this year has flown by. It actually has been the fastest year so far in all of my school career. And though I can't wait for summer, I'm sad that this class is coming to an end. The people, teachers and students alike, have made this class so memorable. I have met so many wonderful people with different thoughts, ideas, etc. The class itself has been challenging but interesting and I have really enjoyed it.
Now let's get back to blogging. I have really liked blogging. Not gonna lie, I was skeptical at first, but I've come to really enjoy it. It is a way for me to share my thoughts and opinions to a wider and different audience. It is a way to have discussions at any time you want. It's really open ended and freeing.
This semester I moved a little away from my "music theme". I didn't choose to do this, it just kind of happened. Instead of coming up with musical connections, I found myself analyzing different types of media like an AT&T ad, a car commercial and a piece someone entered on Gives Me Hope. I've explored different ideas in my posts.
Please read: "The luxury car for people who can park themselves"
Thanks for a great year B'Oc 2010-2011!