Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meta-Post on my Mini-Rants

When looking back at my past posts, I realized that I seem to write a lot about perceptions of different things.  In my first post Ignorance=Violence?, I discuss the how ignorance differs from violence based on how someone reacts or perceives new information on an unfamiliar topic.

In another post, The Land of the Free?, the focus is perception of freedom based on age.  On one hand, age increases freedom; "At sixteen, I can drive."  On the other hand, age can reduce one's freedom; "The older you get, the more you have to pay for the choices you make and accept the consequences for your actions.  Once you hit eighteen, you are now tried as an adult."  

In my most recent post, Haigh Quarry, also deals with perception, but this time it's the idea that we as humans only choose to focus on or read into things that have some connection to ourselves.  All these post are about very different things, but without even realizing it, I have posted about people's perceptions of different themes and ideas.

Another thing I've noticed is how I blog sort of how I speak, just a little more formally.  Especially in my early posts, I tend to rant.  Well, I'm a person that can rant.  If I get on a topic that I am opinionated about, the more I talk, the more whipped up I get, and the more I rant.  I seem to keep going on a topic on my blog and answering questions that were never asked (when I start sentences with "Yes" or "No") which is pretty much what I do when I rant.  Each post is like it's own formal, condensed rant minus the gestures, facial expressions and arm movements.

**Please read The Land of the Free?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dani,

    I really liked how you briefly quoted your own blog posts to make a point of how you have evolved over time!
