Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We're not in Kansas anymore.

In class we have been discussing whether or not civil liberties should be abridged in perilous times.  A discussion has started a few times of how much power or say the president has in different situations.  This actually reminds me of the movie Independence Day and The Wizard of Oz.  Who knew they could connect?  Here is a short dialogue from Independence Day.

President Thomas Whitmore:  Mr. Levinson, you're mistaken.  There is no Area 51.  There is no spaceship.
Albert Nimzicki: Uh... Mr. President.  That's not entirely accurate.

As you can see, the president had no idea of what was actually going on.  It makes me wonder how much the president actually knows.  How much does the CIA tell him?  Not everything. How many people in the government know more than he does?  Probably a lot.  It seems like the president could just be a facade for the government.

Well then there is where The Wizard of Oz ties in.  The wizard says; "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

If the president is the Wizard of Oz, who is the man behind the curtain?

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